Hey there! Welcome to the Privacy Policy of Knuckles Mountain Range, brought to you by Ceylon Itinerary Holding (Pvt) Ltd. We’re all about keeping your data safe and sound. Your trust means everything to us, so we’re committed to only collecting your data after giving you a heads-up first. Whenever we ask for your info, we’ll let you know.

Here’s a rundown of what this privacy statement covers: what information we might collect from you on our website and how we’ll use it. Do you have any questions? Feel free to reach out anytime.

By using our website, you agree to the terms and conditions we’ve laid out here. If you’re not cool with them, no worries—just steer clear of the site.

Quick heads-up: This privacy statement applies to our website. While we might link to other sites for marketing purposes, we’re not in charge of their privacy policies. It’s a good idea to check out their terms and conditions for yourself.

Let’s tweak this policy occasionally without giving you a heads-up. It’s a good idea to peek at it now and then when you’re browsing our site.

Information Collection

Sometimes, we need some information from you to ensure we’re giving you the best service possible. This could be anything from your feedback to popular sections of our site.

Collection of Personal Information

We only collect personal info if you’re okay with sharing it. Things like your name, address, phone number, or email might help us keep in touch. But hey, if you’re not comfortable sharing, no pressure—just don’t send it our way.

Collection of Other Information

We might also collect other information while you’re on our site, like your browsing habits. Don’t worry, though—it’s all to improve your experience. And if you’re not a fan of cookies, you can always adjust your browser settings.

Use of Collected Information

Any personal information you share with us is mainly used to answer your questions or fulfill your requests. We might also use it for things like marketing or improving our site. But don’t worry—we won’t share your information with anyone else unless we absolutely have to.

Security of Information Collected

We take your privacy seriously, so we’ve implemented various measures to keep your information safe from prying eyes.

Access to Collected Information

Want to review or update the information you’ve given us? No problem—just let us know, and we’ll sort it out.

Contacting Us

Do you have any questions about our privacy policy? Or may you want to unsubscribe from our services? Just email us at [email protected]. We’re all ears and happy to help with any concerns.

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