About the Company

Ceylon Itinerary Holdings (Pvt) Ltd boasts over 12 years of trekking operation experience, with expertise specializing in Knuckles Mountain range trekking tours and expeditions. As experts we have brought thousands of tourists from across the globe to Kandy’s stunning landscape and treasures of culture; each excursion demonstrating our dedication to showing people Kandy’s natural beauty while at the same time celebrating its rich cultural history! As one of Sri Lanka’s premier business names we specialize in memorable hiking excursions that combine adventure, culture and ecological responsibility into one unforgettable excursion!

Our Story

With 12+ years of expertise and over 1000 tour guests served annually, Knuckles Mountain Range Hiking Tours are among the first-to-market for hiking adventures throughout Kandy and Sri Lanka. On this exciting journey of discovery and adventure we instil profound appreciation of nature while sharing its breathtaking splendors. Let us be your trusted source for unforgettable hiking tours throughout this incredible area!

Our mission

Ceylon Itinerary Holdings strives to protect both environment and culture while simultaneously introducing travelers to its wonders, natural wonders, and diversity of culture. We pledge our steadfast dedication in offering genuine experiences based on nature that foster an ongoing sense of environmental stewardship as well as respect for local communities through interpretive tours that create lasting memories as we promote environmental responsibility while simultaneously stimulating local economies. Our primary mission is making an impactful statement while offering travelers unforgettable memories & enhanced perspectives of culture, nature & adventure!




Hiking treks





Ceylon Itinerary Holdings (Pvt) Ltd was established on the premise that hiking nature provides an unwavering connection with some of Sri Lanka's most breathtaking landscapes and ecological respect and responsibility is promoted simultaneously. Join us and experience these wonders first-hand!



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Leadership Team



Funder / Guide



Director / Naturalist

A.M. Umesh Eranda

A.M. Umesh Eranda

Account Manager



Official Helper

Why choose us for hiking

“Choosing us as your hiking adventure partner means making an intelligent choice designed to fulfill all of your needs and ensure safety during unforgettable hiking excursions:

  • Experienced guides are filled with an incredible passion for nature that they share through Guide Services and knowledge that goes far beyond Sightseeing Tips!
  • At Safety First, our main aim is to offer our customers an enjoyable yet secure walking experience using equipment designed specifically to maximize enjoyment while remaining safe.
  • Incredible Destinations. Let one of our experienced guides lead you on an extraordinary trek, exploring incredible trekking locations filled with spectacular landscapes rich with biodiversity and breathtaking sights.
  • Explore local cultures on one of our tours. These excursions often give participants the chance to interact with local communities first-hand and gain an in-depth experience of local traditions that they will carry forward for lifelong memories.
  • At Our Planet Travel we take great care in practicing eco-friendly tourism practices, advocating responsible travel that minimizes its effect on local environments while supporting and strengthening local communities at once.
  • Price Transparency: When booking with us, our pricing includes detailed descriptions of services so our customers know exactly what to expect when signing on with us.
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